Land in bloom: Tasmanian nature photography gallery

When mainlanders visit Tasmania, two things are certain. They’ll remark how brisk the weather is. And they’ll wax poetic about the island’s ‘natural beauty’ and ‘spectacular scenery’. (I plead guilty to both charges.)

Yet the island’s ‘rugged charm’ remains a siren song for this mainlander, luring me back time and again.

I first travelled there when I was two—although you’ll have to forgive me if my memories of that trip are a little hazy. Since then, I’ve hiked the Overland Track with my mum. And it was my first overseas destination after the depths of the pandemic.

I returned again in late 2024, but this photography trip with my dad was different. Instead of chasing autumnal leaves or snow-capped peaks, we set out in search of blooming wildflowers. 

My first Tassie trip.

We didn’t know which species would flower when, but we gave ourselves two weeks to follow the conditions and find out. Dad took one for the team by taking his camper over on the ferry. I met him at Hobart and we headed straight to Mt Field National Park. (Well, after a detour via Richmond for our obligatory road trip fuel: coffees and pastries.)

We may have been blissfully unaware of what flowers would await us. But we needn’t have given it too much thought—we were welcomed by vivid bouquet after vivid bouquet.

We stumbled on rainbow constellations of scoparia. Butter-yellow pea flowers. Picture-perfect pineapple candleheath. And pockets of berries ready to burst.

But the undisputed (and unscripted) trip highlight was the crimson-red Telopea truncata. The Tasmanian waratah.


Going into the trip, I thought we might see an occasional waratah flower scattered among the green undergrowth. But I didn’t know if we’d be too early or too late in the season. (Turns out, we were right on time. Just like Gandalf.)

On our first morning around Lake Dobson at Mt Field, we spotted a few budding plants—but no open flowers. We returned to lower altitudes and saw our first flowering specimen off the Gordon River Road. Eureka! Pleased we had found a bloom, we took a few phone snapshots.  

Then the flower floodgates opened. (Though not at Lake Pedder. Yet.) Unfurling waratah buds welcomed us at every turn. On the slopes of Mt Wellington. In the scrub near Cradle Mountain. And deep in the forests around Lake St Clair.

While its buds are less dense than NSW’s floral emblem, I found the telopea truncata just as striking in its own charm and sheer resilience. 

Tree-like plants soared several metres into the canopy. Spindly shrubs grew out of scree on the slopes of kunanyi. And some specimens were so dense with flowers it was as if a master florist had arranged them. 

Tassie, you’re a blooming gem. You’ll forever hold a special spot in the heart of this wandering mainlander. 

Here are a few photos from my time in Tassie in late 2024.

Tasmanian nature photography gallery

South Esk River gallery

On our last day, we stopped by the banks of the South Esk River. After recent rains, tannins from the bush leaked out and created these infinitely interesting swirls and shapes. I was mesmerised and snapped off a few frames before flying back home.